Our History | Two years of hard work

On Springtime of 1.996 taking a friendly dinner with my friend Michael and his Family, came up a crazy and remote idea of creating the first eco – Jungle Lodge of Argentina…
The idea began to take shape, after having detected that the Iguazu Falls area, lacked this type of ecotourism proposal. Ideas and dreams were proliferating, to lead to a pioneering project, much more comprehensive and adhered to the concept of sustainability in tourism. This concept at that time was known and respected, in countries that already had successful international tourist market as a different way of hospitality, respectful and protective of the environment which were inserted also characterized by a compelling social spirit.
So it was that, in early 1998 we started building Yacutinga Lodge, nestled in the heart of the Misiones rainforest. We added to this project the need to manage responsibly in private hands, one of the last remaining Misiones rainforest patches.
The idea took a larger scale, when Yacutinga was declared Private Wildlife Refuge as a conservation area, to the provincial and national authorities; thanks to the advice of the Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina. This statement was unprecedented in the our Country and foreshadowing what was later called ecological easements.
We needed two years of hard work to build Yacutinga Lodge. The opening came as planned, the first of January 2000, just for the millennium received our first two guests.
Many interesting and funny memories are part of the construction process. Yacutinga Lodge was built by hand, learning from local people, daily adapting to the characteristics of the Misiones rainforest. I’d say Yacutinga Lodge bears the imprint of the ecosystem that shelters it. The result was a lovely place, very creative… definitely it is not a traditional hotel. Quite the contrary, it blend with the environment. Nest in the lush vegetation, respect the environment. A magic place to enjoy Nature in harmony.
We got to the beginning of the 2.000 and initial ecotourist operations begun.
During the first years of operation we had no electricity, it was candles, burning torches and fireplaces. The murmur of Jungle and our passion to pleased the naturalist and adventurer guests. We learnt a lot from the international ecotourism demand. After 12 years of successful activity, We have achieved a high level of satisfaction in providing ecotourism. We are proud about we did here, in the heart of the Upper Iguazu Rainforest.
Averaging 2014 Yacutinga continues improving. We work hard on optimizing what we do. We make mistakes and amazing things.
Yacutinga Reserve today has a remarkable environmental state, we have planted more than 30,000 native trees. We have built an excellent team, and have positioned the Argentina Rainforest as an ecotourism product in the foreign market.
We opened the path of the Misiones Jungle Lodges.
We were pioneers of the 20th century, developing an unprecedented conservation project for our Country.
Finally, it remains for me to thank all those who in one way or another have had to do with Yacutinga, local knowledge, labor, conservationist spirit of this project that continues to fill me with pride and will do so.
Thanks for reading me.
Carlos Sandoval